Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Apologies

I am sorry to those whom realize I committed to posting more in 2013...but I got a new laptop!! And it is taking me a while to get it set-up and everything transferred from one computer to the other! But I hope to be back in the swing of things next week!!

And to any who claimed a freebie a couple of weeks ago...I will get you your items TOMORROW!! Thanks for your support...after all it is TPT who helped me buy a new laptop and allow me to use the DINOSAUR computer for my angels at school! Thanks are so thankful!! :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Finished Product: Non-Fiction Text Features!

I have finally completed all 18 Non-Fiction text feature posters!! They have taken me a little more motivation than attended...but it's the weekend right?!?

Here are the features that I created posters for: Bold Print, Bullets, Caption, Colored Print, Diagram, Glossary, Graph, Heading, Illustration, Index, Types of Print, Map, Photograph, Subheading, Table of Contents, and Table.

It is COMMON CORE ALIGNED (of course):
 I can use the parts of a text to find information. 1.RI.5
I can use text features to find information quickly. 2.RI.5
I can use headings, bold words, captions, highlighted words, etc. to find information. 3.RI.5

I am hoping this will help my kiddos be able to remember these features and USE THEM to find information!! Click on the preview below to view the whole file!

Want to WIN a copy of this file...just ask!!! I will give away a free set to the first person to comment! All I ask is that you become a follower if you are not already!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Non-Fiction Text Features

Next week we are working on Fiction vs. Non-Fiction and Non-Fiction text features. I have been looking for fun and ELEMENTARY looking feature posters. Just like normal I can never find just what I am looking for. I am in no way saying there aren't good free ones out there (because I don't buy things), but I am particular!

SO between making a healthy dinner (I am trying to turn over a new leaf...and I think I am starting to like it...check out Skinny Mom blog for inspiring recipes. They made me a believer!) and trying to not spend all night on school related things, I am not even half way through these posters. BUT here is a preview...

More to Come Soon...


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reading Strategy Posters! GIVEAWAY

I barely managed to accomplish my goal for the week...CREATE SOMETHING FOR MY TPT STORE!!

Woo! I had these strategy posters I got from somewhere else...wish I knew where! There were 8 of them and I really liked them, but they aren't the prettiest and they are too big for the small wall space that I have. Plus they were not polka dots!! (OMG!!) ;)

So there are 8 posters. They are actually 8.5 x 11 size, but I am going to print 2 to a page and make them manageable! AND they are polka dotted to match everything else in my room!

Here is what the Author's Purpose looks like...

Here are the 8 poster topics: Predicting, Making Connections, Visualizing, Questioning, Author's Purpose, Make an Inference, Compare and Contrast, and Summarizing

You can grab them HERE at my TPT Store OR Click the pic about for the link! 

SPECIAL GIVEAWAY...To the first 5 comments on this post- Include your email address and I will send them to you FREE!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Telling Time!

I have actually completed something this evening...I finished my first week of plans on TELLING TIME (2.MD.7)! What was lesson planning like before Pinterest??? And BLOGS??? 

What are your favorite telling time teaching activities?

I am looking forward to making new clocks like these:
teaching time, this is BRILLIANT 

We are also going to lots of relating time to our everyday lives! We are going to create a daily schedule of our lives using clocks and pictures to show a glimpse of what a day in our lives looks like.

Those are just a couple of things to share! I am going to be creating a couple of TPT items for TIME and maybe even a FREEBIE! Looking forward to getting things accomplished this week!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to School!

I have had a very relaxing and restful break! I am hoping that everyone who returns tomorrow has a wonderful day! I will blog something educational tomorrow...until now here's to starting the weight loss goals tomorrow! ;)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

HELP! HELP!! IPad help wanted!

Just before Christmas break, a parent of mine stepped in and helped me get an IPad for my classroom!! I am so lucky to have amazing parents!! They make my job so much more enjoyable!

I have since then been searching for the best IPad apps to use in the classroom...I received the Scholastic Newsletter today and found some good ones, but am open to any suggestions!!

SO, What IPad apps do you use in your classroom? And how do you manage student use of the IPad? I only have one and one student computer so any management advice or ideas??

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm Back!! New Years Resolution!

I have returned to the blogging world! I don't really make New Year's resolutions, BUT I am going to get back into blogging and creating! 

Over break, I have done NOTHING school related! I have worked on a custom creation for a TPT customer, but that is it! I have created a new document of I CAN Statements. This time I created them according to the North Carolina Technology Standards K-5. 

These look just like the other I Can Statements that I have created. There are black and white and colored. Click on the picture below to view them at my TPT store!

What is your NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION???? I hope I can keep this one up between doing technology presentations, masters classes, and teaching of course! Wish me luck ;)