Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Point of View

I am not falling off the blog wagon! I want to share my 5th grade activities with others out there :) (Maybe I was talking to myself a little this morning:)

We have been working on Point of View so far this week. We are studying it during our writing time, but have been applying it to both reading and writing. I found some really great ideas HERE and have been moving right along. I started Day 1 with introducing the 3 P.O.V. and talking about them. Then we watched the Toy Story video clip that is at the link above. The students loved watching this and were able to really look and retell the story from each characters POV.

Then we created a poster together using a picture as a prompt. I followed both of the lessons from Teaching With a Mountain View and they worked GREAT!!

Here is our class poster:

Here is the group posters: (Disclaimer- I really can't wait to get my classroom digital camera in! My phone just doesn't cut it! Sorry for the blur!)

I also made these wonderful posters and a black and white copy that the students pasted in their Language Arts Journals. Here is the link to the FREE Black and White Posters. Purchase the Glittery Posters HERE.

My next plan for POV...bring it into writing with this writing prompt (found here):

(a student told me to make this one, so here you go)

One final closing thought...My baby boy turned ONE on Sunday! Isn't he just adorable :)