Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dot Backgrounds!

Okay, so I have been busy busy creating today...and cutting...and printing...and gluing...and cutting some more...typical day in the life of a teacher! I tried my hardest to not leave the house today and succeeded!! I got lots done at home today as you can tell!

There are 10 Dot Backgrounds in the package. They are JPG files. They can be used for whatever you want. Please give credit where credit is due if you use them on your TPT Products.

The backgrounds are:
White with Pink, Green, and Black
White with Purple, Blue, and Yellow
White with Black and Red
White with Black and Pink
White with Blue and Red
Black with Red and White
Black with White
Black with Yellow
Purple with White
Red with White

Here is a preview of one (go HERE to see more)
Check them all out and buy them HERE!

More Dot Borders

I have had lots of success with my Polka Dot Borders at my TPT store...so I am adding some more! I use these for label everything in my classroom and just change the color when I feel necessary. So I thought why not share the rest of them!

The colors are: Black, a SKINNY BLACK border, bright yellow, bright green, lime green, light blue, orange, bright pink, a softer/bright purple, and a sea foam green.

Here is a preview of one of them...to see more preview go to my TPT Store (HERE)!

Check them out HERE!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012


Okay to all my followers out there!! I am going to have my first GIVEAWAY!! I will be giving away EITHER a set of MATH VOCAB CARDS (pick your grade 1st-4th) or the BRAIN BREAK CARDS!!! Woop Woop!! Here are the rules...COMMENT on this post...BE A FOLLOWER...and do it before 7:00 CENTRAL TIME TOMORROW (Tuesday)!!!! I will use a random number generator to pick a winner!! GOOD LUCK!!!

Freebie of the Week!!!

I do believe that I will help you all jump start each week from now on with a FREEBIE...(disclaimer: I do NOT promise that I will be able to produce one EVERY week! So let's commit to more like at least every other week;)

This is a sign that I made to hang on my door!! It will tell everyone where we are when we are not in our room. I can customize colors for very reasonable if you are interested and do not have time to create your own. (Like for $1) I got this idea from Pinterest somewhere...but it is lost in Pinterest space! So if it is your idea please let me know! I did however make my own title and design! ENJOY!Get it HERE!!!

Writing Process Signs!

Happy Monday!!! Well it is happy until I realize in 2 short weeks its back to school! Yikes!! Bring it on, I say!! Well I finally decided what project I would complete next for my classroom...and...it...is...WRITING PROCESS SIGNS!!

These are signs that show each step of the writing process. I have included extras because I know some grades use different names. Included in this set: Brainstorming, Prewriting, Rough Draft, Sloppy Copy, Revising, Editing, and Publishing.

These can be printed laminated and used in the writing process in several ways. I like to give each child a clothes pin and they clip their name to the stage they are at. They could also be printed 2 to a page for a smaller cards.

Enjoy!! I think I am feeling my FIRST GIVEAWAY coming up soon- Perhaps a users choice giveaway of either MATH VOCAB CARDS or BRAIN BREAKS???? Stay tuned (Hint Hint: Probably tonight!!)

Check them out HERE!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Award Time!!

Mrs. Goodwin at ILive2Learn ILove2Grow nominated me for an award!!

The Rules:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to at least 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.

OK this was really hard to find blogs that did not already have it...so you will have to settle for 3!!

Sweet Life of Second Grade

Look Whos Teaching

A Series of 1st Grade EVENTS!!

Brain Break Activities!

In between creating a diaper cake, going to a babyshower, laundry, and house cleaning...I have found an hour to finish something I started a while back...BRAIN BREAK IDEAS!!! I wanted to let my kids have a good way to get active and break between learning times. I made these and plan on putting them on sticks in a bucket on my desk for easy access. You could also hole punch them and put a ring in them to keep handy as well!

Contains brain breaks such as: Cha Cha Slide, Freeze Dance, Cross Lateral Movement, Dance Party, and MANY MORE!!

Includes a brief description of each activity for your reference. Kids will love to get up and move around the room. This will allow the kids a great break from thinking and get them set for the next learning adventure. THERE ARE 27 BRAIN BREAKS!!!



I have finally uploaded the Math Journal to TPT!! After like 9,762 tries it is there! Here is a quick preview of what it entails:

Basic Addition Facts
Basic Subtraction Facts
Skip Counting (1-100)
Math Vocab
Calendar Math
Numbers/Number Words 1-10, one hundred
Number Details (Written, Number, and expanded form, place value, tallies, money- ALL ABOUT __ NUMBER)
Addition/Subtraction Words (With Word Sort)
Addition Strategies
Even/Odd Numbers
More Place Value
2 Digit Subtraction Rules

These were created from the 2nd Grade CCSS. However, it will satisfy many other grade levels! This is not necessarily just a print-and-go file. There are pages that are more like posters or teacher helpers, but can be given to students. AND some are like workbook pages or activity pages. Other pages like the two FREEBIE pages I gave earlier this week would be great to do daily on the interactive white board OR given in a clear plastic page protector for them to complete every morning. However you use it, I hope it is helpful! I will probably put some other pages as FREEBIES later this coming week and even sell some separately.

If you have a request for any other concepts to be added please let me know!! I am ALWAYS open to suggestions. I will be creating an extension to this file as time allows to include fractions, shapes, geometry, time, money, and all the other CCSS that I did not include in this edition!

ENJOY...HERE is the LINK! to the TPT Store!!! BUY IT HERE!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Technology Frustrations!!

Well sorry friends...I have been trying for more than an hour now to upload my Math Journal to TPT...NO LUCK!!!

So I am giving up for the night!

But, there are lots of new exciting things to come next week! Be staying tuned for my BRAIN BREAK sticks!! And lots of Common Core ELA Activity cards to keep around. WITH explanations on how to use them! I have absorbed so much information from a conference I attended this week and my presenter encouraged me to share some of my creations with the TPT crowd and my blog followers!! SOOOOO get excited for what is to come and have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!

I leave you with this...I stumbled upon a website with FREE graphics for use BY TEACHERS. It can be used on TPT documents!! This woman has GREAT creations and backgrounds and check out her copyrights. She loves teachers and is willing to give her work to us. Pretty wonderful for all of us cheapies who hate to spend money!! Check it out at: http://www.mycutegraphics.com/

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Another busy day spent at the K-2 ELA Common Core Academy!! I have been working on some teaching helpers for the conference attendees and myself of course. I will share those if I am given permission to do so from the instructor. BUT, I have also made time to work on my math "journal" a little more tonight. I think I am ready to post it...and then eventually create a Part 2. However, in case I do not get to that post, here is another freebie page from that "journal."

Introducing- Place Value. This was made according to the 2nd grade CCSS (NBT.2.1). It could be used in a plastic sleeve just like yesterday's freebie. Or used however you please!


Here it is...

Download it HERE!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

TPT Freebie...Math Number of the Day!!

Ok, so I have barely had time to function outside of the Common Core the past two days, BUT I have finished a FREEBIE for you!!

I am slaving away to create a math journal that aligns with the common core. I am making it as generic as possible so that multiple grades can use it or reproduce parts of it for their own use! It is going great now that I have had time to get back with it! However, tomorrow will be a craft night because I have a baby shower gift that I haven't even started and need on Saturday!

So in the mean time...I will give FREEBIES away every night until I get it done ;) OK...well maybe not every night.

I have seen many people selecting a number of the day for their Math Wall. I have created a worksheet similar to what is on the Math Wall. This can be used in MANY MANY ways. The way you use it is up to you. I personally am thinking about putting this in a clear plastic page protector and the kids can use a dry erase marker to complete it as morning work every day. Just an idea!

Here is the preview:

Click HERE to download it from my TPT store!

Versatile Blogger Award!!

I have been nominated by The First Grade Scoop for the Versatile Blogger Award!! My very first blogging award! Woo Hoo!!

Now it's my turn to nominate some great blogs!rsatile Blogger Award:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Include a link to their site.
  3. Include the award image in your post.
  4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 5 - 10 other bloggers, include their link, and let them know.
7 Random Facts About Me!

1. I am a farm kid...I love animals! I was born and raised on a farm and would NOT trade it for anything. Farm life teaches an AMAZING amount of responsibility and work ethic.

2. I was originally an agriculture business major and was on scholarship at a juco for Livestock Judging.

3. I HATE SEAFOOD!! (Minus fried fish that we catch)

4. I love all things technology!

5. I live in Southwest MO and love Andy's Frozen Custard and Mexican Villa!

6. My favorite subject is math!

7. I am a firm believer in Everything Happens for a Reason!!

Now its my turn to nominate!! And the award goes to...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1st Day Jitters!

Okay, so I will be the first to admit, I just haven't had time to get ANYTHING done today! I am attending a CCS conference for the rest of the week and that really limits my time at home to get anything done. SOOOOOO...I will share with you 2 tidbits of information.

1) I am absolutely positively ECSTATIC to tell you that my first grant at donorschoose.org has been FULLY FUNDED!! For those unfamiliar, I am working on getting my masters degree in Curriculum design and instruction. For my Home, School, and Community class we were required to write a grant. I struggled to find any wonderful grants to apply for and "settled" for Donorschoose.org. If you haven't heard you must jump on over and check it out! You can apply for a grant of up to $400 of ANYTHING (well almost anything) you want. Then donors choose to give towards your grant. ANYONE can choose to give. Even parents or other teachers or friends. Lots of cooperations participate as well. Anyways...long story short, I applied for a video camera and some accessories and in less than 2 weeks my grant has been fully funded. I will receive my items when the new school year starts!!!!! I will post more details as I get them!!

2) Check out this professional article I had to write for the same class. It is called First Day Jitters and is advice for new teachers.

I hope to have new TPT products and some point this week!! And a freebie of course!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Classroom Preview...

Well it has been a busy weekend and a busy Monday!! I have been slaving away in my classroom for the three weeks. Yes, we are so LUCKY and can get into our rooms all but one week or so in the summer!!! (It's ok to be jealous...our Janitorial staff is AMAZING) I spent most of my weekend hauling hay (round bales of course), going to the cow sale, and announcing a pig show. I am fully aware that several of you are now like, "What is a pig show?" BUT that is my life...it pretty much revolves around agriculture and teaching!

Anyways...long story short my new TPT product is a little slow coming. I will give you a preview of the MATH JOURNAL I am creating tomorrow. For today, I will give you a couple of classroom previews. My theme is Dr. S (that guy whose name I am afraid to actually say for legal reasons)! I am soooooo in love with my room this year! I traded rooms with the Pre-K teacher this year and so my room went from downstairs to UPSTAIRS!! Amazing...no more stinkin stairs for me!

Enjoy these few previews...Up-cycled Sterlite drawers for my Guide Reading area. The things on top are guide reading as well! Pinterest project...?? Of course! Here is the link- I used tape!

Paper drawers instead of file folders organized on my desk. Inspired by this. NO- there are not papers in them. Just my daily folders and some before school packets!

Clocks for the times that things are... inspired by this. I got the clocks at Target in the $1 bins of course!

And last one for today... One of my favorites...

Who has good behavior?? Horton himself! The clothespins are to hold the sticker charts. Our 2nd grade does stickers daily with charts and etc. I love this idea...and it was all mine!! :)

Hope you enjoyed a peek into my classroom!! More to come soon!!

New Blog Hop!! Well certainly! Thanks again to Jessica at Tales of a 4th Grade Teacher for showing me another way to link up! This time it is for the Newbies! Grade 3 is the Place for Me is where its at! Join in... and read a little about me below!

1. What state are you in?
I live in beautiful Southwest Missouri, where the roads are everything but straight and currently rain is unheard of.

2. Your current teaching position
I am a 2nd grade teacher!!

3. Your teaching experience
I am getting ready to start my 3rd year of teaching. I taught my first 2 years in 2nd grade also!

4. When you started blogging...
Well I started a blog in college because I had to. I started a continual blog for my classroom last year, BUT this is my first teaching blog!! And the fun just began about a week ago.

5. Blogging Tip/Resource
Hmm....this one made me ponder. Post your favorites from your blog onto a Pinterest board of your own! This will link people back to you!

Happy Blogging!

Picture Books Linky Party!

A fellow blogger friend of mine at Tales of a Fourth Grade Teacher had such a wonderful post! Who doesn't love picture books??? Lindsay, over at The Teacher Wife, is having a "Must Have Picture Books" link party! After doing a video minilesson for a class today I thought this was perfect!! Here it goes-only 5 eek!!!


Okay so it is near impossible for me to pick only ONE Robert Munsch book. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them all!!! Love you forever is the kind of book that I will read to my kids and they will read to their kids and so on. My mom gave me a copy of this book that I still have! Its such a sweet book about a boy and his mother! Buy it here!


Another favorite, my fellow teacher Jessica already said Piggie Pie...so this is the next best thing! I love hearing the wolfs side of the three little pigs. This is such a good mini-lesson book too! The kids love to write their own story from the villains point of view. Buy it here!

I read this to my kiddos every year. It is about a cute little girl who is always finding ways she is different. Her grandma is always the one who reminds her to be herself! It is a wonderful character book for kids. They love hearing this story and always reminds them about treating other equal. Buy it HERE!

A Bad Case of Stripes

Talking about character...this is a wonderful one! It is also online read by a celebrity if you google it you can find it and watch it! My kids loved to see it up on the big screen and hear some one else read it. This is another serious favorite of mine! Buy it HERE!

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Of course Dr. Seuss, it is my "theme" for the year! This is a wonderful book...very meaningful in so many ways! Some kids need reminders that they can do anything! Buy it HERE!

So tempting to add more Dr. S and The Giving Tree... ;)

The Teacher Wife

Friday, July 20, 2012

Final Production of the Night!!

Up next, 3rd Grade Common Core Math Vocab Cards! You can get them from my TPT store! There are 104 vocabulary words. 4 on each page. 26 pages. 8 extra cards. Great for Word Wall or Math Wall or for use just during a certain math chapter. If you would like specific colors let me know and I can customize for nothing. Here is the preview...these are DIFFERENT than the other cards (1st/2nd grade)...
Purchase them HERE!!

Merry FRIDAY evening to all, and to all a GOOD NIGHT! :)

4th Grade CCS MathVocab Cards- COMPLETE!!

Another one bites the dust!! (Yes I am singing that one) You've guess it the 4th Grade Common Core Math Vocab Cards and ready to go! You can get them from my TPT store! There are 96 vocabulary words. 4 on each page. 24 pages. 8 extra cards. Great for Word Wall or Math Wall or for use just during a certain math chapter. If you would like specific colors let me know and I can customize for nothing. Here is the preview...these are DIFFERENT than the other cards (1st/2nd grade)...
You can purchase these HERE!!

1st Grade Common Core Math Vocab Cards!!!

Woo Hoo!!! I my evening has consisted of shucking corn from my garden, cutting the corn off of the cob to freeze, and creating vocab cards for 1st grade!! Up next 4th Grade!!

Here are the 1st grade cards. There are a few words that you may not need, but I know are introduced in 1st grade and are still important! More is always better than not enough! These are in pdf format. There are 27 pages with 78 words and some blank ones at the end! Preview away and then head over to my store and purchase these pretty little things!

Purchase them HERE!

CCS Math Vocab Cards- 2nd Grade

Okay, I have been VERY productive today!! I have created a set of math vocabulary cards according to the Common Core. These are for 2nd grade! I will work on other grades, but I am at a conference next week so it will take a little longer. I picked these words from a couple of combined lists I found on the internet. I used words that I personally use with my 2nd graders.

These can be added to your word wall or onto a math word wall! I will be starting a math word wall in my room this year. I am hoping this will help my students use these words to help them as needed! There are 30 pages, 86 words, and 4 blank cards. It is in pdf format and available at my TPT store!

Here is a preview!
You can purchase it HERE!!

BLOG in Progress!!

I have been slaving away at this whole "creating a blog" thing! I worked for what seemed like hours to create a TPT Button and a Blog Button! I am happy to report that after a few good hours, I have figured it out myself! Woo Hoo!! Here is the wonderful tutorial that finally led to me success!

I created these buttons myself using the same theme as my background. Feel free to share my page...I promise I will be posting some wonderful things!!

Also, I finally have my TPT Store open!! You can access it by clicking on my button! There are only a couple of things there right now, but more to come soon! Check out my name plate freebie and my Polka Dot Borders! Here is a preview...ENJOY!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Seusstastic Classroom!

This year our school has a "Movies" theme. So I choose a "movie" (per say) and am doing my classroom in Dr. Seuss! It's the Cat and the Hat movie mixed with the Lorax ;) I am sooooo in love with my classroom. Due to moving from a downstairs classroom to and upstairs classroom I have been able to do some serious organizing and rearranging. It will not be long until I will reveal my classroom pictures. I am so close to being done. But for now I will share with you my name tags that I am going to use this year. Enjoy!

I am working on creating a Teachers Pay Teachers Store! I will post lots of organization things and eventually Common Core things as they arise! :) If you are interested in these simple name tags in any color just message me and I can create them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My first blog post!!

Well I have decided to jump into the teaching blog world! I am always creating things to use in the classroom and I thought, Why not share them??

I am a 2nd grade teacher at a rural school in Southwest Missouri. I am married and live on a farm with my husband Josh. We stay busy and are always working outside! I am already slaving away in my classroom to get things ready for this year! My classroom theme this year will be Dr. Seuss and I am loving it so far. It won't be much longer until I will be posting pictures of my classroom!

Well, if you are reading this than THANKS! I look forward to posting lots of organizing helpers for all classrooms. That is the majority of what I have been focusing on this year. I moved classrooms and have spent a lot of time organizing! Stay posted and thanks for reading!!