Monday, July 23, 2012

New Blog Hop!! Well certainly! Thanks again to Jessica at Tales of a 4th Grade Teacher for showing me another way to link up! This time it is for the Newbies! Grade 3 is the Place for Me is where its at! Join in... and read a little about me below!

1. What state are you in?
I live in beautiful Southwest Missouri, where the roads are everything but straight and currently rain is unheard of.

2. Your current teaching position
I am a 2nd grade teacher!!

3. Your teaching experience
I am getting ready to start my 3rd year of teaching. I taught my first 2 years in 2nd grade also!

4. When you started blogging...
Well I started a blog in college because I had to. I started a continual blog for my classroom last year, BUT this is my first teaching blog!! And the fun just began about a week ago.

5. Blogging Tip/Resource
Hmm....this one made me ponder. Post your favorites from your blog onto a Pinterest board of your own! This will link people back to you!

Happy Blogging!


  1. Welcome! I am a newbie to the blogging world also and am loving it. Come on by my blog and check it out. I am your newest follower.

    Cindy @
    Hop n Dots Teaching

  2. Your blog is so cute! I agree, pinterest is definitely helpful. Stop by my blog and enter in my giveaway-->Our Future is Bright GIVEAWAY!r

  3. Hi there! I am your newest follower on this gorgeous blog! I love your Horton behavior board.

    My blog is very new (started it this past weekend)...but come over and give me a shout.

    Mrs. B's Nook
