Monday, July 15, 2013

Classroom Workday, Reward Tickets, and FREE Class Sign!

Today has been a busy day! As I said before, I am moving from 2nd grade to 4th grade this year. This means a new room...which is such a challenge! I was able to work in my classroom today for the first day. It mainly involved arranging furniture and unpacking as much as I can. It is going good, but this little mommy-to-be bent over way too many times today!!

On to even more productive items of business...I decided earlier this summer that I am going to have some positive behavior tickets instead of always using candy or a treasure box. So I created positive reward tickets.

There are 24 rewards and 6 blank reward cards. I look forward to using these with my classroom management system!

Also, I have been seeing all of the posters and signs that say "Our Class Does..." and it looks so cute. So I made a simple one for my own classroom! I made several different prints, but here is the one I made for preview! I will post links below for each template as a FREEBIE!  I plan on cutting, laminating, and then attaching them using ribbon. It will be cute! Pictures to come when it is up in my room!

 Click on the pictures above to download the black dot!

And LAST point of is the finished sewing projects as promised...

Changing pad cover...just DO NOT take a look at the seams ;)

Crib bumper pads-recovered-pictured below- before, during, after!

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