Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Main Idea and January "Bulletin Board Worthy" Writing

As a main idea wrap up last week we did Graffiti Posters (See original idea HERE). I have really become a fan of this because it is very interactive and each student gets a change to get involved! (see involved kiddos below)

And for the finished project, students had to have the main idea and supporting details. The details has to be from Text Based Evidence! They have really gotten good at using TBE! I found the articles through our Time For Kids subscription for the students to use. Some of them even took it to an artistic level making their organizers related to the theme of the text! 

Here is a specific TBE. Notice they quoted and can lead you to the EXACT point in which the evidence was retrieved from! Score!! 

Then for the sake of a "quick" writing activity we wrote about melting snowmen! We do a lot of LONG writing pieces in 5th grade. I am at a Laboratory School (private) and most of my kids are at or above grade level. So we spend a lot of time doing what makes us stronger...WRITING! So when I say a quick piece I mean something not completely through the formal WRITING PROCESS. They are very cute! And here is where I copied the Bulletin Board from! It was just too cute to pass up!

I have one more "quick" writing that we did! My kids all have their own computers so we typed this one and I printed their pictures for them. This is something I will keep of theirs. They turned out SOOOO good! (Idea from HERE)

Up next time: Biography Unit! I have made this a MULTI-SUBJECT Project. It contains a book report, formal written biography, magazine and so much more! AND making my office more like MINE. 

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